![]() ![]() | 2009 Regional SS1000 |
The Members of the Motorcycle Tourer's Forum are pleased to sponsor The Iron Butt Association's
(1000 miles in 24 hours) |
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Amarillo, Texas |
Fort Myers, Florida |
Murfreesboro, Tennessee |
Nashua, New Hampshire |
Charlotte, North Carolina |
Dultuh, Minnesota |
Lebanon, New Jersey |
Tacoma, Washington |
Hanover, Maryland |
Tampa, Florida |
Buffalo, New York |
Herndon, Virginia |
Newnan, Georgia |
Tucson, Arizona |
Las Vegas, Nevada |
Philadelphia, Pennslvania |
Fort Lauderdale, Florida |
Tulsa, Oklahoma |
The Motorcycle Tourer's Forum is an internet forum that provides a meeting place for motorcycle touring enthusiasts, owners, riders, and admirers of all brands and models of touring motorcycles. You can visit the forum by going to http://forums.delphiforums.com/MCTourer/ Membership is free (although Delphi, the forum host, does have options that allow you to pay if you want to avoid pop-ups and improve your search capabilities). You become a member simply by participation in the forum. This ride is one of many events sponsored by the MTF. Go to the home page of this website for more details: http://www.mctourer.com.
The Iron Butt Association is dedicated to safe, long-distance motorcycle riding and has promoted riding through certification. You become a member of the Iron Butt Association by completing one of their certified rides. The IBA's entry level certified ride is the The SaddleSore 1000. You can learn more about the Iron Butt Association by going to their website: http://www.ironbutt.com. You can read more about the SaddleSore 1000 at IBA SS1000 Guidelines You can read more about the SaddleSore 1600K (the metric version of the SS1000) at IBA SS1600K Guidelines
The ride will be certified by the IBA. The MTF does not certify rides. The MTF has a long standing relationship with the IBA and has sponsored many IBA rides. The MTF assists with logistics, such as route planning and witnesses; collects and validates the documentation; and then submits the ride to the IBA for certification.
Long Distance riding is about time management not speed. THIS IS NOT A RACE! To ride 1000 miles in 24 hours, you only need to average 42 miles per hour. If you manage the time you spend at your stops you should have no problem completing this ride at a safe speed. Riders that are determined to be riding at unsafe speeds will not be certified. If the MTF or the IBA learns after the ride certification that the rider participated at unsafe speeds, the certification will be revoked.
Riders will be required to acknowledge their responsibilities during the registration process. Each rider is responsible for their own ride. Safety is of primary importance.
If the MTF discovers that a rider has violated their responsibilities, even if it is after the ride is certified, the MTF will notify the IBA and the certification will be revoked.
Riders have completed the SS1000 on almost every type of bike imaginable.
All brands of motorcycles are welcomed for this ride.
Caution: Cascade Designs Inc., the manufacturer of the MSR bottles, does not recommend using MSR bottles to store alcohol or gasoline containing alcohol or ethonol. The bottles are untreated aluminum and the alcohol could corrode them. For more information
click here
While this ride is being organized for a group of like minded riders, it is NOT A GROUP RIDE. The site coordinator will release riders on a staggered start in order to spread the riders out over a safe distance. You may organize small groups of 2-4 riders on your own and request that the site coordinator stage you together. However, you should be aware that riders tend to stop at different times even if they have the same fuel range. If you elect to ride in a small group, you should agree ahead of time that you will not continue due to peer pressure if you are feeling that it would be unsafe to continue.
If you come across any person in need of emergency care, whether with your group or not, it is MANDATORY THAT YOU STOP AND SEEK PROPER MEDICAL CARE. Document the time that you spent with the person and get their contact information. The time you spent providing care will be considered when evaluating your ride. Note: You are only required to ensure that the rider is safe and does not require emergency care. For example: if you encounter a rider that has run out of gas, you have no obligation to assist the rider in obtaining gas. In fact, extra time will not be allotted for non-emergency care.
The Site Coordinators are members of both the MTF and the IBA. They volunteered to coordinate the logistics for a regional SS1000 in your area and will be the person on the day of the ride that will be responsible for checking you out and checking you back in. The Site Coordinators and their volunteers are giving up a significant amount of their time and, in some cases, money to make this ride possible. Please treat them respectfully.
Both the IBA and the MTF are supported by a network of volunteers. Your ride documentation will be collected at the end of the ride and reviewed by the the MTF Site Coordinator for completeness. The documentation will then be sent to the MTF Long Distance Ride Committee for validation. Once the ride is validated a request will be made to the IBA to certify the ride. The IBA will print the certificates and mail them to the MTF for distribution to the riders. It is not unusual for the entire process to take several months. In fact 8-10 weeks is normal. Due to the MTF's relationship with the IBA, riders participating in MTF sponsored events typically receive certification faster than individual riders.
The IBA's SS1000 certification includes a paper certificate, License Plate Backer, MTF-IBA pin and SS1000 ride pin similar to the items shown below.
![]() Paper Certificate
and an |
The MTF will submit your ride to the IBA for certification. Do Not Submit the ride to the IBA. The fee paid to the MTF for this ride is the same fee you would pay if you submitted the ride directly to the IBA. The IBA provides a modest discount to the MTF to cover the validation process. When you register, you will be provided an option to make an optional donation to the MTF which will be used to sponsor future rides and contests. The MTF is run exclusively by volunteers and has no paid staff. Payment information will be provided at the conclusion of the registration process.
Register to ride at => Jason Jonas' Ridemaster. See the web page for the individual ride in your area for registration deadlines. Pre-ride Registration is required. No Walk-in Riders will be accommodated. You have not paid your fees within one week of the start of the ride, your registration will be cancelled and you will not be able to participate. No money will be accepted the day of the ride. During the registration process you will be required to consent to an Agreement and Waiver. Click the following link to view the Agreement and Waiver. Review it thoroughly before registering for a ride.The MTF and IBA are dedicated to SAFE long distance riding. If at anytime during the ride you question whether or not you should continue, by all means you should terminate the ride. Listening to your body is an important part of long distance riding and you should not continue unless you are comfortable with your physical and mental state. If you terminate the ride, be sure to notify the Site Coordinator so he does not send a search party looking for you.
If you terminate the ride or have an accident, you must notify the Site Coordinator as soon as reasonably possible. Failure to notify the Site Coordinator that you are terminating the ride may result in suspension from participation in future events. The MTF has a generous refund policy. Click the preceding link to view it. In the event you terminate your ride fees will be refunded accordingly
Chase vehicles are not allowed. A chase vehicle defies the spirit of long distance riding. If the MTF learns a chase vehicle was present, the ride will not be certified whether or not aid of any kind was rendered.
The MTF has many experienced long distance riders. They welcome questions from those that are new to the sport. You may post your questions at: http://forums.delphiforums.com/MCTourer/ We would also encourage you to read the IBA's "Archive of Wisdom" - 29 Long Distance riding tips at: http://www.ironbutt.com/tech/aowprintout.cfm
This web page provides weather conditions along Interstate Highways.
The routes have been planned to provide the quickest route consistent with meeting the 1,000 mile minimum. You MUST get receipts from the listed mandatory stops in order for the MTF to certify your ride. The directions are based upon the recommendation of Microsoft Streets and Trips 2004 - Quickest Route. There may be alternate routes to each mandatory stop. In fact, the Garmin Mapsource files may be slightly different from the route described on the following pages. We DO RECOMMEND that you follow the suggested route.
During the registration process, you will be asked to enter the information for your passenger. As you continue through the registration process, you will come to the Fees page. You will select one rider certification fee and one passenger certification fee.
There will be no rain date. If you are riding 1000 miles you should expect to encounter and be prepared for rain and bad weather along the route. Being prepared for weather-related contingencies is an integral part of Long Distance Riding and the ride will not be cancelled due to rain alone.
If there are serious weather warnings, i.e. Tornado or Hurricane, a decision will be made on site by the Site Coordinator regarding cancelling the ride or delaying the start of the ride.
If the ride is cancelled, a full refund will be made to all riders.
There are two ways you can get answers to other questions that you might have:
These folks helped make the rides possibe: |
MTF Long Distance Events Committee
Event Manager:
In addition, the Site Managers listed on each site page made their ride possible. |
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